– a hook which allows to create e.g. the return label after the main one was generated.
Hook documentation:
* Can perform action after label received form API or modify received label.
* @param array $label_data Label data.
* @param WPDesk_Flexible_Shipping_Shipment_dpd_uk $shipment Shipment.
* @return array
* Label data is an array with keys:
* - content: label received from API
* - label_format
* - file_name
* Shipment is instance of WPDesk_Flexible_Shipping_Shipment_dpd_uk class.
* To access order use this code: $shipment->get_order();
– a hook which allows to change all the shipment data e.g. the collection date or package weight before sending it to DPD UK API.
Hook documentation:
* Can modify shipment data before send it to API.
* @param array $shipment_data Shipment data.
* @param WPDesk_Flexible_Shipping_Shipment_dpd_uk $shipment Shipment.
* @return array
* Shipment data is an array with data required by API to create shipment.
* Shipment is instance of WPDesk_Flexible_Shipping_Shipment_dpd_uk class.
* To access order use this code: $shipment->get_order();
Filter documentation
By default, an order note about the creation nor cancelation of a shipment is not sent to the customer.
– a filter that enables automatic dispatch of the note after creating the shipment. In order for the note to be sent, in functions.php you need to add: add_filter( 'woocommerce_dpd_uk_shipment_deleted_is_customer_note', function() { return 1; } );
– a filter that enables automatic dispatch of the note after removing the shipment. In order for the note to be sent, in functions.php you should add: add_filter( 'woocommerce_dpd_uk_shipment_deleted_is_customer_note', function() { return 1; } );