Conditional Shipping Methods – Configuration

Conditional Shipping Methods is an easy to use yet a powerful plugin for your WooCommerce shop allowing to manage the shipping methods and decide when they should be displayed and when to remain hidden. It all works based on precisely defined Conditions and Actions run once the condition is met. 


Conditional Shipping Methods is a stand-alone plugin. In order to work properly it does not require any additional plugins to be installed and active. It’s fully compatible with the WooCommerce default shipping methods, Flexible Shipping (including its PRO version) and should also work fine with the other 3rd party solutions.

Currently, full compatibility with the new WooCommerce Block-Based Checkout has not yet been implemented.


Installation Guide →


Once the Conditional Shipping Methods plugin is installed and activated the following Conditional Shipping Methods option should appear at WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping:

Conditional Shipping Methods Link At Woocommerce Shipping Settings

Click it to reach the Conditional Shipping Methods configuration screen:

Conditional Shipping Methods General Settings

General settings

Enable/Disable – tick this checkbox to turn on the plugin functionalities and enable conditional displaying or hiding the shipping methods.

Rulesets – a table containing the configured sets of rules with the defined Conditions and Actions for displaying or hiding the shipping methods.Please mind that all the Rulesets you define, including their Conditions and Actions are triggered after the shipping cost calculation is done in the cart.

Adding a new ruleset

In order to configure a new set of rules and define the Conditions and Actions which will be applied to the selected shipping methods once the condition is met hit the Add ruleset button in the Rulesets table’s footer:

Add Ruleset Button

You will be redirected to…

Ruleset configuration screen

Conditional Shipping Methods New Ruleset Configuration Screen

Enabled – tick the checkbox to activate this particular set of rules.

Ruleset name – fill in this field with a unique ruleset name for easy identification.


Use the table to configure the Conditions which if met will result in triggering the shipping methods applicable Actions determined in the next section.

Conditional Shipping Methods Conditions Table

You can choose the When-Condition the rule will be based on the same way it is done for Flexible Shipping by selecting the right one from the following categories:

  • General
    • Weight – based on the total weight in accordance with weight unit chosen in the WooCommerce settings.
    • Price – based on the total price in the shop’s default currency selected in the WooCommerce settings.
  • Product
    • Product – based on the specific products.The Condition above supports also the variable products. It means you can choose precisely which product variation the rule will be used for. If the main product was selected the rule will be automatically used for all its variations.
    • Product tag – based on the selected tags assigned to the products.
    • Product category – based on the selected product categories in accordance with the WooCommerce product categories structure.
    • Shipping class – based on the selected shipping classes.
  • Shipping method
    • Shipping method – based on the selected shipping methods.
    • Zero-cost shipping method – based on the zero-cost shipping method’s current availability.
  • Destination & Time
    • Day of the week – based on the day the order is placed.
    • Time of the day – based on the defined time frames.
    • Location – based on the entered shipping destination. 

You can define as many Conditions as you need. Click the Add condition button to create a new AND condition or use the other button on the right to add the OR one: 

Conditional Shipping Methods And Or Conditions

Please mind that the Conditions are considered according to their order in the table. Simply drag & drop them to change the order they are processed.

in the cart / packageof the cart / packageis in the cart / packageis / is not – first conditional logic operator used to determine the condition to be met.

matches – second conditional logic operator available for some of the Conditions. If the Condition using the ‘matches’ operator was selected, e.g. When: Product, the following options will be available to choose:

  • any of – the Condition will be matched if there is at least 1 product from the selected ones is in the cart or package
  • all of – the Condition will be matched if all of the selected products are in the cart or package
  • none of – the Condition will be matched if there are no products from the selected ones in the cart or package


Define the Actions regarding the shipping methods to be run once the Conditions from the table above have been met.

Conditional Shipping Methods Actions Table

You can choose from:

  • Enable only selected shipping methods – select the shipping methods which will be displayed as the only ones if the Condition is met.
  • Disable only selected shipping methods – select the shipping methods which will be hidden if the Condition is met.
  • Hide all paid shipping methods – choose not to display all the paid shipping methods if the Condition is met.

Want to learn more how to use the Conditional Shipping Methods in action? Check our Usage examples →

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