UPS – General Settings

UPS Live Rates and Access Points PRO plugin explainer video

Watch our UPS General Settings dedicated video:

Since the version 1.15.2 we introduced an onboarding process for easier and more efficient plugin configuration.

You can reach the plugin settings by choosing the WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → UPS from the sidebar.

Ups Live Rates Woocommerce Shipping Method

API Settings

Our plugin allows connecting via OAuth – REST API or API Access Key – XML API. Regardless of which method you’ll choose, you need to register a UPS account to use the UPS shipping services.

You can switch between the API Type by selecting one in the dropdown list.

Ups Settings Api Settings


For this method, you only need to own a UPS Account.

Ups Settings Oauth Rest Api

Press Authorize to be redirected to site. Then please type your UPS email or usernamepassword and agree to connect our plugin with your account by checking the checkbox. Then click Log In.

Ups Oauth Log In

Once the OAuth connection is established, then you’ll see a Revoke button and the API Connection Status as a green OK.

Ups Settings Oauth Rest Api Successful Connection

To disconnect your UPS account from our plugin, press Revoke.

Ups Settings Oauth Rest Api Revoke Button

Optionally, if you use UPS SurePost shipping service, please fill in the UPS Account Number. If you don’t use UPS SurePost, leave this field empty.

Ups Settings Oauth Rest Api Account Number For Ups Labels

API Access Key – XML API

For this method, you need to own a UPS account with access to the API. If you haven’t gained the API access, please check our guide on how to get the UPS API Access Key →

Enter your credentials (User IDPasswordAccess Key and Account Number) in the plugin’s API Settings section fields below:

Ups Settings Api Access Key Xml Api

Origin Settings

The UPS plugin uses the shop’s origin entered in the WooCommerce settings at WooCommerce → Settings → General → Store Address by default. However, if you want the live rates to be calculated for the different shipper’s address than your shop’s because e.g. you ship your products not from the shop but directly from the warehouse located somewhere else, you can define the Custom Origin using the fields below:

Ups Live Rates Woocommerce Origin Settings

Custom Origin is fully optional for WooCommerce 3.2 and later releases. If, for some reason, your shop still uses the WooCommerce pre-3.2 version, defining the Custom Origin in the plugin settings above is mandatory.

Please be advised that each shipping method that uses UPS plugin can have its own Custom Origin. To learn more about Multiple Custom Origins feature – read this article →

Advanced Options

Ups Live Rates Woocommerce Advanced Options

Measurement Units

– this option allows you to change the measurement units used to calculate the UPS live rates. The plugin uses the units selected in the WooCommerce settings by default. ( WooCommerce → Settings → Products → Measurements).

Use this option if you get the This measurement system is not valid for the selected country error. Once it is changed the plugin will recalculate the units used in your shop to the ones supported by your UPS account.

Please also mind that if the individual product’s weight has not been entered in the WooCommerce Product data → Shipping → Weight field for each of the products in your shop, the 0.1 kg / lbs weight value will be used by default in order for the UPS API to be able to calculate the shipping rates.

Debug Mode

– enabling the Debug Mode will let you identify and analyze the problems with UPS services price calculation. All the requests, responses and the error messages coming back from the UPS API will be displayed in the cart and on the order summary page:

Ups Live Rates Woocommerce Debug Mode

Please mind that if you have the UPS SurePost services active on your UPS account, the UPS SurePost Live Rates shipping method has been added within a shipping zone and the Debug Mode enabled, it will display each UPS SurePost service as a separate request:
Ups Surepost Live Rates Woocommerce Debug Mode

All the notices and data coming from enabled Debug Mode will be visible only for the Site Administrators and Shop Managers. Your customers, no matter if they are guests or logged in, won’t see any unnecessary info on the shop’s front.

API Status

– once your login credentials were entered and Save changes button hit, the API Status should change to OK and turn green as a confirmation the API connection has been established:

Ups Live Rates Woocommerce General Settings Api Status Ok

If for some reason the plugin is not able to establish the connection with the UPS API, you will see the error message coming from the API with the detailed information on the cause of the problem, e.g.:

Woocommerce Ups Settings Invalid Api Connection

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