DHL Express – Multi-currency support

The order details and values are passed to DHL Express API using the shop’s default currency defined at WooCommerce → Settings → General → Currency options. The live rates coming back from the API are returned in the cart/checkout currency. It means you can change the currency the customers will see there using e.g. the currency switcher plugins. Here is the list of the ones we’ve tested and confirmed as fully compatible with our DHL Express PRO:

How to use DHL Express PRO with WPML plugin?

  1. Install the DHL Express WooCommerce Live Rates PRO.
  2. Go to the WooCommerce settings: wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings and change the store address to e.g. United Kingdom: 95 Hainault Rd, London, E11 1DX and the Currency to Pound Sterling
  3. Go to the plugin’s settings: wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=shipping&section=flexible_shipping_dhl_express
    • Add the API credentials to see live rates on the Cart/Checkout page
    • Enable shipping method
  4. Go to the WPML Currency Switcher settings: wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpml-wcml&tab=multi-currency and the currency, e.g:
Wpml Currency Switcher Settings
  • Pound Sterling as the main currency,
  • Euro as an additional currency,
  • 1 Pound Sterling = 1,16 Euro.
Dhl Express Rates Pounds

change the currency to Euro:

Dhl Express Rates Euro
  • The currency is properly calculated from Pound Sterling to Euro.

7. You can also translate the strings of the plugin’s setting when you download them fully on the String Translation page.

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