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FedEx – Plugin requirements

SOAP extension

In order to work properly, our FedEx plugin require the SOAP PHP extension to be installed on your server. Nowadays, in most cases it is already installed by default, even if you are using a shared one. However, if for some reason it isn’t, you should be able to do it on your own directly from the hosting admin panel. If you’re not familiar with such operations, we highly advise contacting your hosting support in order to have it installed. You can check the SOAP status anytime at WooCommerce → Status → System status → SoapClient

Woocommerce Fedex Soap Extension

FedEx user account and API access

Our FedEx plugin to be able to establish the connection with the FedEx API servers requires a complete set of FedEx credentials, so you need to own a FedEx user account and get the API access. Follow the instructions in the guides below in order to obtain all necessary data:

  1. How to create a FedEx account?
  2. How to get the API key?
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