In this article you will find the most common issues related to the Canada Post Live Rates plugin as well as the answers how to solve them. The knowledge base below will be gradually expanded.
API Status errors
API Connection Status
AAA Authentication Failure

Connection with Canada Post API could not be established. Please verify if the data you have entered is correct and make sure that there are no typos, spelling mistakes or unnecessary signs e.g. spaces, especially if the credentials were copied and pasted.
If you are 100% sure the credentials you’ve typed in are entered correctly and you are still getting the authentication/validation error, please contact the Canada Post support →
Debug Mode
Enabling the Debug Mode in general settings of Canada Post Live Rates plugin will let you identify and analyze the problems with Canada Post services price calculation. The additional tech information, incl. the data sent to Canada Post API, all the requests, responses and the error messages coming back from the Canada Post API will be displayed in the cart and on the checkout page.
Canada Post Live Rates: /rs/ship/price: cvc-simple-type 1: element {}origin-postal-code is not a valid instance of type {}PostalCodeType. Value is '10001'

The postcode in the WooCommerce Store Address settings is not correct. Please make sure you have entered the correct Postcode in WooCommerce → Settings → General.
Canada Post Live Rates: No services are appropriate for the shipment of the defined parcel. Validate the parcel criteria against product specifications.

This error may be due to exceeding the allowable weight for the type of service for which the calculations are to be performed.
Canada Post Live Rates: /rs/ship/price: cvc-simple-type 1: element {}weight is not a valid instance of the element type. Value is '301'

Ensure that the weight of the products in your cart for which you want to perform a calculation does not exceed Canada Post’s limits.
For more information about Canada Post API errors, please contact the Canada Post support →