In this article you will find the most common issues related to the DHL Express for WooCommerce plugin, its PRO version as well as the answers on how to solve them. The knowledge base below will be gradually expanded.
API Status errors
Authentication Failed

The DHL Express API wasn’t able to verify if the entered credentials are valid. The problem is usually caused by the security plugins or firewalls interrupting with the DHL Express API connection establishment. Please deactivate the security plugins, firewalls and/or any additional plugins which may have an influence on this situation in order the authentication process to succeed.Please also make sure that the Site Id and Password fields have not been filled in with the test credentials by mistake or the Test Credentials checkbox has not been accidentally ticked.
Validation Failure: Site Id is wrong

Site ID is not valid. Please verify if the data you have entered is correct and make sure that there are no typos, spelling mistakes or unnecessary signs e.g. spaces, especially if the credentials were copied and pasted.
Validation Failure: Password provided is wrong

Password is not valid. Please verify if the data you have entered is correct and make sure that there are no typos, spelling mistakes or unnecessary signs e.g. spaces, especially if the credentials were copied and pasted.If you are 100% sure the credential you’ve entered are entered correctly and you are still getting the authentication/validation error, please contact the DHL Express support.
This measurement system is not valid for the selected country
If you’ve encountered the error above please use the Measurement Units options available at WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → DHL Express → Advanced Options section to change the units the plugin will use to calculate the live rates.
Weight limits
DHL Express services have varied weight limits. If your cart weight exceeds those limits, no shipping rates will be displayed on your checkout page. You can find the complete comparison of DHL Express acceptable Weight & Dimensions here.
All rates return no values (0)
If the DHL Express plugin returns no or “0” value rates for all the services, apparently your rates are not assigned to your payment account. In order to fix it login to your DHL Express account and assign the rates to your payment account. If you encounter any difficulties contact the DHL Express support for further instructions.
No rates displayed for domestic shipping
Our DHL Express plugin is dedicated mainly for the international shipping at the moment. However, the domestic shipping is now supported as well and the DHL EXPRESS DOMESTIC
service should be also available for most of the countries. Nevertheless, it might turn out that for some of them it still might not be displayed due to the DHL Express API restrictions.
We highly advise to verify if the DHL EXPRESS DOMESTIC
service is available for domestic shipping in your country, before running the plugin live in your shop.
“Dutiable shipment” required for international shipping
If you encounter the issue that the DHL shipping methods don’t display for the international shipping, it might be necessary to set:
“Dutiable shipment” option set to ALWAYS (except for domestic shipping)
You can see the screenshot below:

In such cases, the shipment needs to have duties and DHL requires having it set.