Customizable Rates

Take full control over the shipping in your store and define from scratch even the most complex shipping scenario using your own table rates shipping cost calculation rules based on numerous conditions. Determine the shipping methods behavior, decide when to display and when to hide them, split the cart into separate packages and much more. Everything’s up to you!
Icon Adjust Vertical
Fully customize the shipping methods and their cost calculation
Icon Cart
Make the shipping cost always fit precisely the customers’ cart content
Icon Hide
Display shipping methods conditionally and manage their availability

Products categories:

Flexible Shipping Pro Avatar Icon
From: 99.00 / 1 license

The best and the most powerful Table Rate shipping plugin for WooCommerce. Define the shipping rules based on numerous conditions and configure even the most complex shipping scenarios with ease.

Flexible Shipping Locations Avatar Icon
From: 39.00 / 1 license

Extend the Flexible Shipping functionalities and calculate the shipping cost based on distance.

Flexible Import Export Avatar Icon
From: 59.00 / 1 license

Extend the Flexible Shipping functionalities with Import / Export feature. Easily move, replace, update or backup multiple shipping methods in your WooCommerce store.

Icon Fs Location New
From: 39.00 / 1 license

Extend the Flexible Shipping functionalities and calculate the shipping cost based on location. Define your own custom locations, use the WooCommerce defaults or the ones created by 3rd party plugins.

Shipping Packages Avatar Icon
From: 39.00 / 1 license

Split the WooCommerce cart content into multiple packages based on various conditions.

Icon Scopp
From: 39.00 / 1 license

Let your customers calculate and see the shipping cost on product pages based on the entered shipping destination and cart contents.

Box Packing Avatar Icon
From: 59.00 / 1 license

Use the advanced box packing algorithm to fit the ordered products into your shipping boxes the most optimal way. Configure the shipping cost based on the type and number of the used shipping boxes.

Pickup Points PRO WooCommerce plugin logo
From: 49.00 / 1 license

Provide your customers with multiple carriers’ pickup points at the checkout and let them choose the preferred one to collect their order from.

Delivery Date Picker logo
From: 29.00 / 1 license

Let your customers choose a convenient delivery date for the ordered products and make the shipping cost dependent on the date they choose.

Multi Vendor Flexbile Shipping Avatar Icon
From: 39.00 / 1 license

Extend the Flexible Shipping functionalities and define precisely the shipping cost calculation rules for each Vendor / Product Author in your marketplace or multivendor store.

Table rate shipping

If you are selling products of different sizes and weights, fixed shipping rate is just not good enough. Use WooCommerce table rate shipping plugins to simply set shipping cost based on one of the many available conditions. With it, you can in just few minutes create your own WooCommerce shipping calculator. The most popular example is the order’s weight. The idea is that the shipping cost increases with the weight of all the products in the shopping cart.

Create (almost) any shipping scenario

With Customizable Rates plugins developed by Octolize, you can configure most WooCommerce shipping scenarios that come to mind. From simple wage-based scenarios to very complex ones using several conditions and advanced conditional logic. All in a useful and functional rules table that makes it easy to create shipping methods specifically for you. If the setup proves too difficult, remember that when you buy Octolize plugins you get premium 1-on-1 support.

Discover most popular shipping scenarios:

Import or Export shipping methods with ease

With the Flexible Shipping Import/Export for WooCommerce plugin you can export shipping methods to different WooCommerce stores, move shipping methods between shipping zones, and manually update prices of multiple shipping methods at the same time. This makes it much easier to manage shipping methods in your WooCommerce store.

Determine the shipping methods behavior

Managing the accessible shipping methods is an important part of running a WooCommerce store. It can be even crucial for bigger stores that offer a variety of products. Certainly it decreases order handling and dissatisfied customers. Use Octolize WooCommerce shipping plugins to decide when to display and when to hide shipping methods. With Flexible Shipping PRO you can hide shipping methods based on various conditions like:

  • Products (Single Product, Product Category, Product Tag and Shipping Class)
  • Cart or Package Weight
  • Cart or Package Value
  • Day of the Week and Time of the Day
  • Product dimensions
  • User Role

Split the cart into separate packages

Shipping management is not just about determining the cost of shipping. It is also important to be able to divide the products in the shopping cart into packages. In this way you can clearly communicate to customers, that they will receive their products in separate packages, thus avoiding dissatisfaction and prolonged handling of orders. There can be a lot of different scenarios where you want to do that and provide different shipping methods to your customers: shipping from multiple warehouses, shipping regular products with heavy ones or shipping products available only on local pickup. It all can be easily achieved with the Shipping Packages WooCommerce plugin.

Show shipping cost on the product page

Let your customers calculate and see the shipping cost on product pages based on the entered shipping destination and cart contents. Provide them with all the important shipping information right away on the product page, even before reaching the cart or checkout.

UX studies have proven that placing a shipping cost calculator on a product page results in customers making a purchase decision much easier. Don’t lose your customers, improve the shipping experience and increase the sales in your store!

Why Are Customizable Rates Important for eCommerce Businesses?

Customizable rates plugins for eCommerce make it easier for customers to estimate how much their package will cost when they check out online. If a customer doesn’t have time to do the math, or if they’re not sure what they need, they can still see the shipping costs before making a purchase decision. This makes it easier for them to make an informed decision about whether or not to buy your product.

Customizable shipping rates also allow you to adjust your prices based on factors such as the size or weight of the package. This way you can offer discounts on products that tend to come in larger sizes or heavier weights. This helps you keep prices low while also attracting new customers.
Finally, customizable shipping rates allow you to set different rates for different packages. This allows you to differentiate between different types of deliveries (such as those sent via USPS vs. FedEx). You can also charge differently depending on which delivery service is used for your customer.

Is The Customizable Rates Plugin by Octolize Ideal for eCommerce Businesses?

If you’re looking to boost your eCommerce site’s conversion rate, the customized rates plugin by Octolize is a good choice. The plugins allow you to set custom prices for different types of products on your site, and it also allows you to set different prices based on the location of your customers. You can set one price for all customers or create different pricing plans so that those who live in certain parts of the country pay a slightly lower rate than those who live in other areas.

The personalized pricing feature is also helpful for eCommerce businesses that sell multiple items at different prices at different stores around the country. This way, customers don’t have to worry about traveling across town just to find out what their local store charges for an item when they can simply check the website instead!