WooCommerce Canada Post Calculator

WooCommerce Canada Post Calculator
Author Bartosz Gajewski
Reading time:
4 minutes read
Blog, Live Rates

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to set up the WooCommerce Canada Post Calculator. You will learn how to configure Canada Post shipping methods with real time shipping rates, ensuring that the shipping cost displayed in the cart matches what Canada Post would charge.

For store managers, it’s crucial to charge the correct amount for shipping. Overcharging can make your store less competitive, while undercharging can affect your profits. Ideally, the shipping cost for your customer should mirror the Canada Post charges.

Why Do Customers Value a Seamless and Precise Shipping Experience?

Customers appreciate a straightforward and accurate shipping experience because it clarifies the total cost before finalizing their purchase. This transparency aids in making informed decisions, eliminating potential confusion or unexpected expenses. Retailers can foster trust by offering precise shipping rates, ensuring customers know the exact amount upfront.

Moreover, this transparency allows customers to compare different sellers effectively, considering the product’s price and the total shipping cost. Such competition benefits consumers, ensuring they get the best value for their money. A smooth and accurate shipping experience ultimately boosts customer confidence, leading to higher conversion rates.

How the Canada Post Calculator Enhances the Customer Experience?

The Canada Post Live Rates plugin is pivotal for a frictionless online shopping experience. It automatically displays the shipping charges, eliminating the need for manual calculations. You can motivate customers to finalize their orders by offering competitive shipping rates, leading to higher conversion rates and repeat business. This tool ensures customers receive accurate shipping costs, preventing unexpected checkout charges.

WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping Plugin

To configure WooCommerce Canada Post Calculator, you’ll need the Canada Post WooCommerce Live Rates PRO plugin.

Canada Post WooCommerce Live Rates PRO 69.00

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100+ Active Installations
Last Updated: 2024-07-18
Works with WooCommerce 8.8 - 9.1.x

Once installed, this plugin offers a comprehensive range of Canada Post shipping options. Integration is swift, and your customers will see all available Canada Post shipping options with real-time rates during checkout. The rates are derived from the Canada Post API, considering factors like the shipping address, store’s origin, and product dimensions.

Displaying Real-Time Canada Post Shipping Calculator

I’ll guide you through the setup process of the plugin. By following these steps, you can showcase real-time Canada Post Shipping Rates on your WooCommerce platform.

Start by downloading, installing, and activating the Canada Post WooCommerce plugin. Access the plugin settings by navigating to WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping → Canada Post Live Rates on the sidebar.

Canada Post plugin general settings

Linking with Canada Post API

To provide Canada Post shipping options to your customers, you must have a Canada Post account. Use the credentials (Username, Password, and Customer Number) you received during sign-up.

If you do not have the Canada Post account yet, you can read our guide on how to create Canada Post account →

canada post credentials

After inputting your login details, hit the Save Changes button. If successful, the API Connection Status will turn green and display OK. If there’s a connection issue, an error message detailing the problem will appear.

Once connected to the Canada Post API, move on to the subsequent step: setting up the Canada Post shipping method.

Adding the Canada Post Shipping Method

The Canada Post Live Rates shipping method mirrors the default WooCommerce shipping methods. To initiate a new Canada Post Live Rates shipping method, navigate to WooCommerce → Settings → Shipping:

Add Canada Post Shipping method - shipping zone

Select the shipping zone where you intend to incorporate the Canada Post Live Rates. Typically, this will be a zone that includes Canada.

Click the Add shipping method button at the table’s base inside your chosen Shipping Zone.

add shipping method in WooCommerce

A window will pop up. Pick Canada Post Live Rates from the dropdown and confirm by clicking the Add shipping method button.

add Canada Post shipping method

Now, the Canada Post Live Rates shipping method is integrated.

Configure the Canada Post Shipping Method

It’s time to personalize the Canada Post shipping method.

Method Settings

Canada Post shipping method configuration

You can set the Method Title, which will be visible to customers during checkout. The plugin also offers a Fallback feature, a set shipping cost if the Canada Post API doesn’t provide any rates. Another beneficial feature is the Free Shipping over a certain amount. Activate this by checking the Enable the free shipping over amount box and inputting the desired threshold.

A vital setting is choosing the Canada Post services you wish to offer. By default, all services are active. However, if you want to restrict particular services, select the Services checkbox.

Package Settings

In the package setting, you can define the parcel packing method and the package details. 

Canada Post package settings

You can choose one of the available packing options. Please mind that, changing your choice here might affect the rates.

  • Pack into one box by weight –This is the standard approach for bid calculations. Specify the package’s dimensions and weight, which will serve as the baseline for this shipping method.
  • Pack items separately – Each item is packed in its own separate box for shipping.
  • Pack into custom boxes – This option lets you decide the type of packaging you prefer. You can opt for a standard Canada Post package or design a custom box. This choice also lets you determine the box’s weight and padding, which will be subtracted from the package’s maximum weight and size. Items in the cart will be organized from smallest to largest based on the chosen packaging. If an item surpasses the package’s size, the system will default to the fallback option, if established.

Rates Adjustments

Another available shipping options are Quote Type and Insurance. You can choose between Commercial or Counter rates, depending on your contract with the carrier. The insurance will be included only for services which it is available for.

Canada Post shipping method - additional settngs


You can also add a fixed or percentage fee or discount for the returned Canada Post live rates. The setting works globally, which means that the fee or discount you set here will be applied to all Canada Post rates displayed in the cart or checkout for a specific shipping zone. To apply the discount, please enter the negative value in the Fee value field.

Last option to configure in this section is the Tax configuration. By ticking the Tax box you can strip the GST, HST and PST tax value from the shipping rates coming from the Canada Post API.

Canada Post Rates Adjustments

Origin Settings for this Shipping Method

The Canada Post Live Rates PRO plugin allows you also to set the custom origin for each of the shipping methods. It’s very useful if you have multiple warehouses. With the plugin’s setting, you can configure custom origin for each shipping region. To do so, just check the Enable custom origin for this shipping method checkbox and enter the custom origin address.

canada post custom origin

When are all done with the configuration, click on Save changes button. Now, the shipping method should be available for all the customers matching that shipping zone. In the same way, you can add more shipping methods for each shipping zone that you want to use. 

Ready to Implement Canada Post Shipping Calculator in Your WooCommerce Store?

This guide has provided a step-by-step process to set up the WooCommerce Canada Post Live Rates PRO. If you have any queries, feel free to drop them in the comments below!

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