There Are No Shipping Options Available – how to change this message in WooCommerce

change the no shipping methods available message in WooCommerce
Author Bartosz Gajewski
Reading time:
4 minutes read

If you are a WooCommerce user you certainly are familiar with the “No shipping options were found” message. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always explain everything and can cause abandoned carts in your store. But, if you know how to change it, it can be very useful.

Imagine that situation – your customer wants to purchase in your store. He has chosen the products, is satisfied with the choice, and goes to payment. However, it turns out that instead of shipping costs he gets the No shipping options were found message. What will he do? Just simply abandon the basket and purchase somewhere else.

no shipping methods available message in WooCommerce

How to avoid this? The best solution is to debug the shipping in WooCommerce, so all the shipping options will be available. The other way is to change the “No shipping options were found” message. It’s really simple and I’ll show you how to do it in this article.

Custom “No shipping options were found” message in WooCommerce

As in most cases, to change the “No shipping options were found” message, you can use several methods. I’ll show you two solutions that in my opinion are the best approach to this kind of challenge.

Shipping Notices free plugin

The use of a plugin is a great and very convenient solution. With Shipping Notices plugin, you can easily change the “No shipping options were found” message to your own custom notice. I’ll show you step-by-step how to do it.

First, install and activate the plugin. Shipping Notices and No shipping options found info for WooCommerce plugin is completely free, so you can download it from the WordPress repository.

Having the plugin activated, go to the settings page: WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping > Shipping Notices.

WooCommerce shipping notices settings

There you have the list of all your custom shipping notices. As you can see, as default there are no notices. To change that, clock on Add notice button. You’ll be redirected to the new notice creation page.

add custom no shipping methods available notice

Tick the Enabled box to activate this notice. Next, fill in the Notice Title field with the unique title for easy identification – it will be displayed only on the plugin’s settings. Then, you can select Zone Regions, for which the notice should be displayed.  If you want to display your notice globally, just select All regions. And if you intend to show that notice only for specific addresses, select them from the list. The list is directly taken from WooCommerce. This solution will work great if individual shipping pricing is needed for specific regions. The last step of configuration is to determine, where the notice should be displayed in Notice display pages field. You can display it on the cart or checkout or even on both of them.

After configuration, you can add the content of your notice. To do that, use the visual or text editor. You can use standard WordPress formatting, including adding media files. Having your notice configured, click on Save changes button. Now in the list of all notices you should see the one you just added.

WooCommerce shipping notices

Now, enable it using the Turn on/off the custom shipping notices checkbox and Save changes.

And that’s it! Your custom message should display according to your configuration instead of the “No shipping options were found” one.

Get Free Shipping Notices Plugin →

Custom Code

Basically, all you have to do is to add a special code in the theme’s functions.php file or use an additional plugin like Code Snippets.  We have prepared the code that you can use in your store.

How to use it? Just change the following part: „Your order is too heavy. Please contact us to get individual shipping cost” and enter there your No shipping options were found message. This way, instead of the default message, your client will get your custom message. In my case it will look like this:

custom no shipping methods available message in WooCommerce

Examples of usage

Shipping heavy products in WooCommerce

If you are selling products that are very heavy or oversized and you have to determine shipping directly with the customer, you can use the weight limit. You can set weight based shipping using a table rate plugin like Flexible Shipping. Over a certain size, you won’t offer shipping. Instead, just change the No shipping options were found message in WooCommerce, so your clients will know that they should contact you directly.

Minimum Purchase Requirements

If you require a minimum order amount or quantity of products in your store, setting your custom No shipping options were found message will be a great solution to inform your clients about it. A message with Call to Action like „A minimum of 5 products is required to get shipping. Add more products to complete your order” can boost your sales.

Individual shipping of each order

If you sell unusual products in your store, the shipping of which must be determined individually for each order, it will be best to inform your clients that they have to contact you directly to complete the purchase. Changing the “No shipping options were found” message in WooCommerce will be a perfect solution for that. Just inform about that and add some contact information, and you are set up.

Change the “No shipping options were found” Message in WooCommerce

In this article, I showed you how to change the No shipping options were found message in WooCommerce with some examples. I hope that you will find it useful.

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3 years ago

Thanks for the article. Please help, How to display a message “No shipping options were found” before cart

Łukasz Spryszak
Łukasz Spryszak
Reply to  Mildbur
3 years ago

Hi Mildbur, could you please provide us with some more details where exactly do you want to display this message?

Reply to  Łukasz Spryszak
3 years ago

Hi Łukasz Spryszak, on the cart page like on a picturecomment image

Łukasz Spryszak
Łukasz Spryszak
Reply to  Mildbur
3 years ago

I’m afraid that it is unfortunately not possible to achieve using our plugins’ default functionalities. In order to set it up the way you described I believe you will need to hook into the WooCommerce shipping methods displaying mechanism first to make sure it is done after the methods matching and then pass the results using woocommerce_after_cart_contents.

Reply to  Łukasz Spryszak
3 years ago

thank you very much, I will try

Osen Eguare
Osen Eguare
2 years ago

Thank you for the code sir. It worked!

Łukasz Spryszak
Łukasz Spryszak
Reply to  Osen Eguare
2 years ago

It’s great to hear that Osgen 🙂

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