We shut down FS Connect – read about the changes.

We shut down FS Connect
Author Piotr Jabłonowski
Reading time:
2 minutes read

Over the course of the last year we have been working on a platform to integrate WooCommerce with the API of shipping couriers. Our mission was to give the shop owners the possibility to get courier labels directly from the WooCommerce admin panel without the need to install many plugins, only just one with all the couriers integrations.

To this day, we are developing integration with UPS and FedEx and we are incorporating it as an addition to our Flexible Shipping plugin. Integrations provide a solution to display live rates at checkout, creating shipments and receiving labels. We will remove these integrations from Flexible Shipping on August 22, 2019! Read below why and what to do if you use Connect.

Why did we shut down Connect?

We focus on the complete flow of shipments in WooCommerce. It starts with choosing the shipping method by the shop customer to receive a label and track the package. This is a mistake! Most of you need a solution for the first step, to get the live rates for shop customers or to choose a pickup point. Many stores do not need labels. There are many solutions on the market, with a solution directly from courier company. Many shops only need one courier, so they do not need a complicated solution.

We decided to focus on giving you the best solutions for calculating shipping rates on WooCommerce. We have a great Table Rate plugin Flexible Shipping and want to give you greater and easier use of plugins to solve your problems and meet your expectations.

The first one is the Flexible Shipping UPS plugin that allows you to get UPS Live Rates and Access Points. More than 3 thousands shops use the free version of this plugin. This is a very early version, we are still listening to your requirements, and we are working on further updates. If you want to add something, just write to us or leave a comment below this article.

What can I do if I use Connect to UPS integration?

If you use Connect only to live rates or access points you can install our free version of Flexible Shipping UPS plugin. Should you need help with the switch, just write to us, and we will help you!

If you use Connect to get UPS labels unfortunately we don’t have, a solution right now. We don’t plan support shipping labels, only rates in the near future. You can try one of the most popular platforms ShipStation or another. If this recommendation doesn’t meet your expectations please write to us, and we will help you to find a solution.

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5 years ago

Panie Piotrze, czy to znaczy, że plugin zostanie wyłączony i nie będzie wspierany? Czy tylko zniknie możliwość drukowania etykiet, których notabene nie używam, bo jak Pan zauważył firmy kurierskie dają ku temu gotowe rozwiązania. Interesuje mnie tylko dopasowanie stawki w formularzu zamówień. Proszę o odpowiedź

Reply to  Michał
5 years ago

Flexible Shipping nadal będzie rozwijane jako Table Rate, tutaj nic się nie zmienia. Nie będzie jedynie integracji z FS Connect, czyli pobierania etykiet i rzeczywistych stawek UPS.