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We changed the name, yet stayed the same – rebranding announcement

flexible shipping changes into octolize
Author Piotr Jabłonowski
Reading time:
2 minutes read

We are very glad to tell you that Flexible Shipping has grown into Octolize. We’ve been planning the rebranding for quite some time, and now we can proudly show it off. Despite the many changes, we remain ourselves and still want to secure your sales on the home straight – shipping options. 

A brief history lesson

Flexible Shipping started as a table rate plugin for WooCommerce under WP Desk. Now, 7 years later, we are a company that offers a solution system for WooCommerce shipping cost estimation. Over a year ago, when we split off from WP Desk, the name of the Flexible Shipping plugin was a natural choice for the company name and brand.

Today, we are changing our company branding. We want it to be clear what company is behind the products we create. We would like to introduce Octolize.

Octolize logo

Our plugins for WooCommerce will continue to be called Flexibe Shipping. Both our flagship Flexible Shipping plugin, which allows you to configure custom shipping rates, and live rates plugins that automatically calculate the cost of shipping based on the contents of a shopping cart.

New brand

Changing the brand is also a new and clear message of what we do. We don’t just offer plugins for WooCommerce. We offer a high-quality service for store owners and developers. Behind this service is a team of fantastic people, who care for the stability and security of our customers’ stores.

Our promise to customers from today is “We secure your sales on the home straight – shipping options”. We know that the moment of choosing the shipping method by the customer is crucial. This is one of the main stages that decide whether to place an order or abandon a cart. We want to support stores in achieving success by providing the right shipping methods with our solutions.

Our plans extend beyond WooCommerce. We want to support online shops regardless of the platform. We believe that in partnership we can create a positive customer experience in the shopping journey and thus support the growth of the shop.

Changes will not affect our customers

The most important thing is that the rebranding won’t affect the functioning of the plugin or any active subscription in any way. We have run long tests to make it work without any issues and make sure that all previously configured plugins will work the same. Prices for our solutions also remain the same. 

We hope you like our rebranding and that you will enjoy Octolize as much as we do!

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2 years ago

You say changes won’t affect customers – then how come I cannot login using old login details?

Łukasz Spryszak
Łukasz Spryszak
Reply to  Tomas
2 years ago

Hi Tomas, have you tried triggering the password resetting procedure this way?
